Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics


Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics. As we launch this journal, the first question that comes to mind is “why another new journal?” To objectively answer this compelling question, we have to look at the unique vision and approach to the intended content. This new journal has two main objectives; 1) bringing clinical pharmacology and biopharmaceutics together on the same platform, particularly the translational aspects, and 2) rapid and open distribution of cuttingedge research. Clinical pharmacology is an emerging science that is based on pharmacology but specifically deals with the clinical use of drugs in patient populations. Clinical pharmacology also illustrates the understanding of pharmacokinetics as applied to the clinical situations (clinical pharmacokinetics). The area of clinical pharmacology has expanded immensely in recent years with advances in genomics and an evolving understanding of key biomarkers. Biopharmaceutics, on the other hand, is a discipline that studies the disposition of a drug in the body based on the drug’s physicochemical properties and their interaction with the biological platform. Systematic investigation of the biopharmaceutical properties of a drug is essential to determine the proper route of administration and most suitable delivery system for the drug. With the adoption of the Biopharmaceutic Classification System for drugs over the past decade, we have now developed better strategies for development of formulations based on the solubility and permeability of the drugs. A newly developed paradigm, Biopharmaceutical Drug Disposition Classification System, has also integrated the physical concept of solubility and permeability to the effect of transporters and the predominate route of elimination of the drug. In the age of interdisciplinary sciences, it is prudent to integrate the clinical pharmacology and biopharmaceutics aspects to enable scientists to obtain a comprehensive profile of the physicochemical, biopharmaceutical and clinical principles, and the delivery potential and challenges of a drug.